Laughter in the Workplace

Laughter – It’s Good for Business!

If You Can Laugh Together You Can Work Together

Stress is one of the most common causes of long-term sickness absence in UK workplaces today (according to CIPD). Laughter is a very powerful stress reducing tool in the workplace. Evidence suggests that it builds trust, forges bonds among colleagues, helps us cope with stress, and inspires creativity and problem solving.

Dr. Susan Albers, a psychologist, said it’s OK to laugh right now. In fact, your body will thank you for it.

“When we laugh, studies have shown that it helps us to sleep better, lower blood pressure, we become more resilient to pain, it releases endorphins and also those feel-good chemicals in the brain that help to relieve stress,” Albers said.

Albers explained not only does laughing help us with our mental health, but it can also boost our physical health as well.

“It helps to increase the T cells in our body and reduce the cortisol levels that we feel when we feel stressed, and this boosts our immune system. And right now, that’s what we need; we need to be at our healthiest and our immune system be working at its fullest. So, some good belly laughter is really good for all of us,” Albers said.

A Wellbeing thru Laughter Session in the workplace encourages live face to face interaction, builds trust and promotes a bond between colleagues which creates a positive attitude and helps to improve:

  • Communication
  • Enhances Creativity
  • Relieves Tension
  • Increases Energy Levels
  • Improves Health and Wellbeing
  • Fantastic for Team Building
  • Increased Positivity
  • Productivity and Motivation

Laughter lifts the mood and helps build a deeper sense of connection. As restrictive guards come down, it can help teams work more efficiently and effectively co-creating optimum solutions. 

Teams who laugh together tend to be better able to open up and share challenges with each other — which is particularly important for coping with stress and enhancing creative problem solving.

For more information see this article.

Support Wellness in your workplace with a stress releasing, fun and therapeutic wellbeing session which combines breathwork, second wave positive psychology, laughter exercises and mindful meditation.

Melanie Bloch, Holistic Laughter Coach is a Laughter Yoga Ambassador, Master Trainer, Therapist and Wellbeing Facilitator with a background of more than 25 years in the Complementary Medicine Field.

Get in Touch

To enquire about upcoming events or book a session with Mel click the button below.


Just what we needed!

I was in a heavy meeting before; I feel blissed out now!

Amazing – thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!

Never thought laughter could be so relaxing!

Brilliant experience – we all loved it and even used a bit of it this morning in our all-company meeting.

Uplifting experience -feel really energised now!

Fantastic Session – we loved it! Thank you Melanie.
